Adriana Carolina Ospina

Adriana Carolina Ospina

"I greatly enjoyed the interdisciplihood that characterizes the firm, working in different areas of law gave me the opportunity to strengthen my inclination for certain areas and sparked my interest in many others."

Camilo Arango

Camilo Arango

“The summer internship program of Brigard Urrutia/ Brigard Castro is the perfect space for those who seek to start the professional exercise as lawyers, it’s an organization where besides the professional qualities, there is a special respect for institutional values that have guided their activity in a successful way for 75 years”.

Elkin Cetina

Elkin Cetina

“When I think about defining the internship, I wouldn’t be wrong to believe, that first of all it is an ambitious program, enterprising and above all very motivating in a personal and professional level”.

Jonathan Khole

Jonathan Khole

“I was very anxious to go to Colombia and work in a country very different from mine with its own vocabulary and law system, but when I arrived to Brigard my fears disappeared. Everybody was very nice and wanted to help me with anything I needed”.

Jonathan Shaw

Jonathan Shaw

“I had the opportunity of making connections that will last for a long time. I know the experience of working as an intern in Brigard Urrutia will be like a key that opens the doors to a many future opportunities”. 

Juan Gilberto Sánchez

Juan Gilberto Sánchez

“Being part of the Summer Internship Program in BU-BC was more than a pleasure, a privilege. There’s no doubt that the firm is an organization engaged to professional excellence, which works hard every day to be better and achieve higher achievements”.