Laura Valencia Cossio

Laura Valencia Cossio

“The summer internship was the ideal opportunity to have a first insight into the work environment, which without doubt, has been very important for my personal and professional formation. I am leaving this experience being convinced that the everyday work can allow you to excel at what you do. Thanks to the contact I have had with the lawyers and the personnel of the firm, I have learned that attention to details and above all, human quality, are the decisive aspects in making a difference. I will take this knowledge and the valuable memories that I have with me. Thanks a lot.”

Lizz Claudette Leony

Lizz Claudette Leony

“For me, the opportunity of doing an internship at BU has been a very valuable experience. Besides getting to know another culture, I have also been able to learn a little bit about Colombian law and the forms of its application.”

Luis Felipe García Rubio

Luis Felipe García Rubio

“In my academic life I have always made the effort to understand and develop the ideal method of achieving the results that I want to achieve. Here at BU, I have learned, more than in any other place, that the best method is composed of the people one is working with. I am incredibly grateful for having had the opportunity to share this process with exceptional people in a space that was full of challenges and that has always been cordial.”

Marín Ruíz García  

Marín Ruíz García  

“In my opinion the summer internship programme is the perfect opportunity to get closer to one’s professional future. This programme makes the interns experience what it means to work in a law firm, with all its pros and cons. Thus, once one has finished the programme one can take an informed decision about whether to work in a law firm in the future or try out one of the other options in the various areas of the law.  This great advantage is supplemented by other things, like the professional relationships and friendships that have been formed. In conclusion, I do not regret in the least to have participated in this challenge, which I have managed with the time and efforts invested.”

Michelle Aramburú Duclos

Michelle Aramburú Duclos

“The opportunity of having been able to work at BU has been one of the best professional experiences in my career as a lawyer. Taking up the challenge of working in a firm abroad has widened my horizon and I could not think of a better place for this to happen than BU. During the internship I have witnessed the quality of the lawyers which make up the firm, their renown experience, their human quality and companionship and that they were always happy to help and make me feel part of the BU family.”

Nicolás Calderón Bolaños

Nicolás Calderón Bolaños

“This summer internship has left a positive retrospection in my perception of it: I went through the doors of BU –BC being convinced that I will experience the biggest personal growth in a short period of time of only seven weeks. The programme has been a unique experience for me, which allowed me to increase my abilities and to participate in high-impact projects together with teams of high renown and an unparalleled portfolio of tasks, while the work environment has always been aimed at excellence and discipline, but also respect. Each day meant a new intellectual challenge with a deep insight into legal work, allowing me to fully develop an integral profile which every law student should have. I am leaving the internship with great memories, satisfaction for the achieved goals and thankfulness for the firm, whose humanistic orientation has been the guiding light for the treatment of all of its members. Thanks for opening the doors for me on this programme.”