Considering the economic impact of the health emergency caused by the spread of COVID - 19 in Bogota, by means of Decree No. 123 of April 30, 2020, the Mayor of Bogota created the Temporary Leasing Contribution, for vulnerable households in the city.
The Secretariat of Habitat will be responsible for directing and coordinating the monetary transfers that seek to benefit the population living under leases or sub-leases and whose income has been especially affected by the isolation measures, including migrant population. Moreover, this subsidy will prioritize assistance to households comprised of women head of households, people over the age of 60, minors, people in a situation of disability and households with victims of the armed conflict.
This subsidy will be granted on a monthly basis and for a maximum of three months, depending on budget availability.
The aim of this measure is to mitigate the vulnerability of these households by easing their rental costs and ensuring that people remain in their homes.