February 5th, 2021
Suggestions submitting deadline for to the PPAA's 4th cycle is extende

Within the framework of the structuring process of the fourth cycle of the Permanent Bidding Process ("PPAA"), and upon request of the oil & gas industry, the Vice-Presidency of Promotion and Area Allocation of the National Hydrocarbon Agency ("ANH"), published Circular No. 0005 of January 29, 2021, in order to extend the term established in Circular No. 30, issued on December 11, 2020, for interested parties to submit their suggestions and recommendations on the aspects to be improved within the PPAA. 

Thus, the new deadline for submitting the suggestions and recommendations as mentioned above is Monday, February 8, 2021.

Bear in mind that these suggestions and recommendations must be submitted via e-mail to ppaa@anh.gov.co,  and in the formats designed for such purpose and published in the following link:

The ANH will review the suggestions and recommendations to evaluate the possibility of implementing the adjustments that this entity considers appropriate to provide more favorable conditions to the country's interests.

For more information regarding Circular 30 of 2020, please refer to the following link:



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