Resolución 0740 de 2018


The Special Stay Permit may be granted only to Venezuelan nationals who entered Colombia before February 2, 2018. In addition, applicants must meet the conditions established by Resolution 5797, 2017:  

  • Having entered the national territory with a passport through an authorized border checkpoint.  
  • Not having a national or international criminal record.  
  • Not having a current deportation or expulsion order. 


  • The deadline to apply for the PEP will be four (4) months counted from February 5, 2018. 
  • The PEP holder will be authorized to carry out any legal activity or occupation in the country, including those that are developed under an employment relationship or a service contract with an individual or a company domiciled in Colombia. This permit will be issued despite of the legal requirements for the exercise of each profession or occupation in the country. 
  • The PEP does not replace the passport as a travel document. It must be presented (if required) to the Colombian authorities along with the passport or the National Identity Document and it will be used as an identification of Venezuelan citizens in the national territory. 
  • Current PEP holders cannot request the permit again before the immigration authorities.  
  • Individuals or companies domiciled in Colombia that hire or receive a PEP holder are required to report the foreigner’s activities to the immigration authorities through the SIRE system 


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