September 27th of 2021
Learn about the new fuel alcohol percentages in force

The Ministry of Mines and Energy, the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development published Resolution No. 40294 of September 09, 2021, which modifies Table 1 "months of entry into force of the mandatory percentages of fuel alcohol in its blend with regular and extra fossil motor gasoline at a national level" of Article 1 of Resolution 40261 of 2021 (the "Resolution 40294"). 

Thus, Resolution 40294 set forth the fuel alcohol content in its process of blending with ordinary fossil motor gasoline and with extra fossil motor gasoline that shall be distributed by retail distributors or consumed by large consumers nationwide, as follows:

Entry into force of the percentage of blend  Fuel alcohol content per gallon or liter 
September 2021  4%
October 2021 6%
November 2021 6%
December 2021 8%
January 2022 and thereafter  10%

With the publication of Resolution 40294, the Ministries aim to ensure the continuity of fuel supply in the national territory. 

To see this resolution, please click on the following link: 


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