12 of November of 2020
Hearing between WADA and RUSADA was held on November 5th before CAS

The Executive Committee of the World Antidoping Agency unanimously declared the non-compliance of the Russian Antidoping Agency, imposing a sanction for a period of 4 years. 

The consequences derived from the “Russian Doping Crisis” and the proven breaches of the antidoping authority in Russia go from the impossibility of the Russian Government officials and representatives to participate or even attend any of the following events: the Youth Olympic Games (summer and winter), the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games (summer and winter), any other event organized by a Major Event Organisation (SIC), and any World Championships organized or sanctioned by any Signatory, neither host any of those events, for the period of the four years ban imposed.

The only way for an athlete to participate in those events, is to prove that they are not implicated in any way in the non-compliance. This includes the need to not be mentioned in any report or been subject to any positive finding. 

RUSADA appealed the decision before the CAS on January 2020, and the hearing took place on November 5th. According to CAS’s press announcement, the award might be released by the end of 2020.

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