Last July 25th, the National Government leaded by the Ministry of Sport issued the Decree 1295 of 2022 “By which it is partially regulated the article 3 of the Law 191 of 1996 and article 4 of the Law 1967 of 2019 and it was added Part 16 of the Book 2 of the Decree 1085 of 2015, Single Regulatory Decree from Sport´s Sector, to promote and to plan the women’s competitive and high-performance sport.”
Thus, by means of this decree it was modified the sport´s regulation existing in Colombia, with the purpose of including different measures to promote female sport in the country. In this sense, in addition to create an obligation for the Ministry of Sports linked to the implementation of strategies leading to achieve these objectives, the Decree embraces the creation of a data base with the information on women and young athletes which must be delivered by the sport´s organisms which pretend signing covenants or obtaining financing help from the Ministry.
With this information, Ministry of Sports will make a characterization of sport´s disciplines which integrate women, and their percentage of participation to determine those which might be financed with public funds.