Bill of the National Development Plan 2022-2026 went to presidential approval

Proyectos estratégicos PND

The Congress of the Republic approved in conciliation the bill of the National Development Plan 2022-2026, contained in 372 articles, with a National Investment Plan (PNI) for COP $1,154.8 trillion pesos at constant 2022 prices, which will be destined, among others, to human security and social justice, productive transformation and macroeconomic stability.



These are the recommendations of the Autonomous Committee of the Fiscal Rule 

Comité Autónomo de la Regla Fiscal

The Autonomous Committee of Fiscal Rule (CARF1) has issued a concept entitled "About legislative initiatives of the pension and health systems, and follow-up to the Fuel Price Stabilization Fund (FEPC)". Regarding the pension reform, CARF highlights its benefits such as increased coverage, reduction of subsidies to high pensions, elimination of arbitration between pension systems. Notwithstanding, the entity considers that it generates a higher level of future spending obligations and inflexibility of public spending.



Law approving the additional protocol to the FTA with the European Union on the accession of Croatia was approved

TLC con la Unión Europea sobre la adhesión de Croacia

The President of the Republic sanctioned Law 2293 of 2023, approving the additional protocol to the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) signed with the European Union (EU), which recognizes Croatia as a party to the Agreement. This law must be reviewed by the Constitutional Court. 



The validity of the Temporary Protection Permit for Venezuelan migrants was extended

Protección Temporal para migrantes venezolanos2

The National Government issued a resolution extending the validity of the processing certification as an identification document until December 31, 2023. Such certification will allow its holders to temporary access to benefits and services, such as: (i) enter, stay, circulate and leave the national territory; (ii) exercise any legal activity or occupation in Colombia; and (iii) access the General Social Security Health System and the General Pension System.



These are the rules for the association of MIPYMES2 to savings and credit cooperatives and multi-active and integral cooperatives

Asociación de las Mipymes a cooperativas

Through Decree 627 of 2023, issued by the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit, the specific conditions for the association between micro, small and medium-sized companies and savings and credit cooperatives and multi-active and integral cooperatives with savings and credit section were set, as authorized by Law 2069 of 2020 on entrepreneurship. The regulation also establishes the formalization instruments for the association, through the inclusion in the bylaws and regulations of the cooperatives of the power to associate MSMEs, the requirements and procedures to be met, among others.


1 Acronym in spanish
2 Acronym in Colombia for micro, small and medium-sized companies.


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