COP- USD Exchange Rate

COP- USD Exchange Rate 15 June



Women will be able to contribute fewer weeks in order to access retirement pensions

Pensión de jubilación

Through a press release of the Constitutional Court ("CC"), a decision of its Plenary Chamber was announced by which the entity declared unconstitutional the requirement of 1300 weeks of contribution for women to access the retirement pension. If by January 1, 2026 such regime has not been adopted, the minimum contribution weeks required for women to receive a retirement pension will be gradually reduced to 1000.



New term for the payment of income tax complementary taxes related to Works for Taxes.

Impuesto sobre la renta

By means of Decree 849 of 2023 of the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit, the National Government extended the term for the payment of the value corresponding to the income and complementary taxes of the taxpayers that requested to be linked to "Works for Taxes". The term initially established expired on May 31, 2023 and the Government decided to extend it for 3 more months, this being, until August 31, 2023.



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