COP- USD Exchange Rate

COP- USD Exchange Rate 19th July


New Mining Legalization and Formalization Law 

New Mining Legalization and Formalization Law

The Congress of the Republic issued Law 2250 of 2022, which establishes a special legal framework for legalization and formalization, as well as financing, commercialization, and establishment of special mining regulations. According to the law, natural or legal persons, groups or associations that have been developing traditional mining activities in an specific area and do not have a title registered in the National Mining Registry, must file an application to initiate their legalization and formalization process in the Integral Mining Management System.



The Single-Use Plastics Law was sanctioned 

The Single-Use Plastics Law was sanctioned

The President of the Republic sanctioned the Single-Use Plastics Law, Law 2232 of 2022. This regulation establishes measures aimed at the gradual reduction of the production and consumption of some single-use plastic products, as it prohibits their introduction to the market, as well as their commercialization and distribution in the national territory.  The regulation establishes, among other issues, that the National Government must ensure the financing and promotion of sustainable alternatives, through economic incentives, including funds for research and development of technologies and systems that stimulate the reduction of the consumption of single-use plastics. 



Agrotourism in Colombia was regulated

Agrotourism in Colombia was regulated.

Law 2239 of 2022 was enacted to promote agrotourism or rural tourism as an alternative for the sustainable development of areas dedicated to predominantly agricultural activities, in order to provide economic alternatives, diversify agricultural activity yields, revalue agriculture as a means of local development and promote rural associativity. In addition, the law created the National Commission on Sustainable Rural Tourism, which, among other functions, will advise municipal and regional governments on the preparation of agrotourism development plans at the regional and local levels.



Law promoting social entrepreneurship has been approved. 

Law promoting social entrepreneurship has been approved.

The President of the Republic sanctioned Law 2234 of 2022, which establishes the guidelines for the construction of the Public Policy of Social Entrepreneurship for the development of solutions to social, cultural and environmental problems, as an engine of transformation and innovation at national and regional level. The regulation encourages the recognition and strengthening by the Government, public entities, local and departmental governments, the private sector, as well as other strategic actors, regarding the social entrepreneurship ecosystem, including promotional activities and business initiatives by the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism, Colombia Joven and the National Learning Service -SENA-.



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