April 29th, 2021
Biosecurity protocol for football

Taking in consideration the special situation of Brazil, Colombia has allowed the sports delegations to enter the country and dispute all the matches scheduled for Copa América and for Copa Libertadores, by establishing a special exception regarding the Resolution 080 of 2021 (which prevents and closes the borders for Brazil). 

As well, it approves the entrance of all other teams scheduled to play both cups and its delegations, always granting the fulfillment of the following obligations (among others): 

1. Before the flight

  • Isolate the delegations for at least 72 hours before the flights.
  • Provide the PCR tests maximum 72 hours before the flights.
  • Exclude from the delegation those members with positive PCR tests.

2. Movement of delegations

  • For the movement of the delegation, to the airport, hotel, sports facilities, etc., it is required to have a previously disinfected bus.
  • Negative PCR test for the bus driver.
  • Permanent use of masks.

3. In the airports and during the flight

  • It is required for the teams to hire charter flights and agree with the local authorities a preferential migration process. 

4. During the hotel accommodation

  • Individual use of hotel rooms.
  • Not allow any movement outside the hotel.
  • Prohibit any visits.
  • Permanent use of masks.

5. For training

  • The use of disinfected uniforms.
  • Permanent and mandatory disinfection of hands. 
  • Prohibit any entrance of third parties.

6. During the games

  • There will not be allowed the sell of tickets. Matches must be played behind closed doors.
  • Guarantee the maximum attendance of 300 people.
  • Delegations must have negative PCR tests before the games.

Colombia has assumed the compromise to fulfill the requirements to develop the international tournaments according to the current situation. 



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