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Irma Rivera Ramírez

Irma Rivera Ramírez

Contact information
(57-60-1) 346 2011 Ext: 8747
Admitted to practice law in

Partner at Brigard Urrutia. Leader of the Litigation, Arbitration, and Insolvency team, as well as the Insurance and Reinsurance team. Additionally, she is in charge of the Shared Value Program of the firm.

Mrs. Rivera graduated from the Law School of Universidad Sergio Arboleda  and the postgraduate program in Alternative Dispute Resolution and Business Strategy at the Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Señora del Rosario.

With more than 22 years of experience, she has advised national and foreign clients in complex and recognized litigation before the ordinary jurisdiction and arbitration tribunals.

Currently, she is a national arbitrator in multiple arbitration tribunals before the Center of Arbitration and Conciliation of the Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá and Cali and likewise serves as an arbitrator before the Center of Analysis and Resolution of Conflicts of the Pontificia Universidad Católica of Peru.

She is a teacher in postgraduate and undergraduate programs in various universities. Professor at the Law School of Universidad Sergio Arboleda in the area of Alternative Dispute Resolution. She has been invited as a panelist at various conferences at both the national and international level.

She is a member and mentor at the Spanish Arbitration Club (Club Español de Arbitraje CE Mujeres), a member of the Colombian Committee on Arbitration, member of the Latin American Association of Arbitration (ALARB), member of Arbitral Women and member of the Advisory Board of the Jamaica International Arbitration Centre (JAIAC), amongst other organizations.

She has been recognized by publications such as Chambers and Partners, Leaders League and The Legal 500.
She has written in various specialized publications.


Brigard Urrutia’s partner, she joined the firm in 1998. 

Educational Background

  • Lawyer from Universidad Sergio Arboleda.
  • Postgraduate degree in Alternative Methods for Conflict Resolution, Arbitration and Conciliation from Universidad del Rosario.
Awards & accolades
  • She has been recognized by publications such as Chambers and Partners, Leaders League and The Legal 500.