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Cristhian Ferrer Acuña

Cristhian Ferrer Acuña

Contact information
(57-60-1) 3462011 Ext: 8706
Admitted to practice law in

Intermediate Associate from the labor and employment practice of the Firm as of January 2019. He has more than 6 years of experience and his professional practice focuses on labor and employment matters, including but not limited to litigation (labor claims and tutela actions), due diligence, labor and employment audit, employment and labor matters for M&A, collective bargaining, termination of employment agreements, social security and health and safety in the workplace matters. He also handles administrative proceedings before labor and audit authorities (Ministry of Labor and UGPP). 


Attorney with more than six years of experience which professional practice focuses on litigation (labor claims and tutela actions), due diligence, labor and employment audit, employment and labor matters for M&A, collective bargaining, termination of employment agreements, social security and health and safety in the workplace matters. He also handles administrative proceedings before labor and audit authorities (Ministry of Labor and UGPP). 

Educational Background

  • Lawyer from Universidad del Rosario
  • Specialization in Public and Administrative Law from Universidad del Rosario

"Traducción del Fallo de la Corte Internacional de Justicia en el caso de las "Inmunidades Jurisdiccionales del Estado" (Alemania c. Italia; Grecia interviniente) Decisión sobre el Fondo". ACDI - Anuario Colombiano de Derecho Internacional, Vol. 6. 2013

*Printed version only

"Traducción de la Sentencia de la Corte Internacional de Justicia sobre el diferendo relativo a la aplicación del Acuerdo Provisional del 13 de septiembre de 1995 (Ex - República Yugoslava de Macedonia c. Grecia) Decisión sobre el Fondo". ACDI - Anuario Colombiano de Derecho Internacional. Vol. 5. 2012

*Printed version only

"Observatorio de Derecho Internacional: Actividad Internacional 2011". ACDI - Anuario Colombiano de Derecho Internacional Vol. 5. 2012

*Printed version only

Practice areas
