June 5, 2020

The National Mining Agency ("ANM”) published the Resolution No. 197 of 2020, by means of which it extended until July 1st, the suspensions set forth in its Resolution No. 133 of 2020. 

Specifically, the ANM maintained the suspension for: 

  1. The attention to the public in all its offices in the country; 
  2. The administrative proceedings initiated before the ANM and the terms of the titleholders and applicants to comply with the technical or legal requirements requested by the ANM, as well as the terms to file appeals, as applicable. 
  3. The terms and procedures related to the coercive collections carried out by the ANM; 
  4. The field visits that the ANM must carry out in compliance with its functions;
  5. The terms within the internal disciplinary control processes carried out by the ANM; and 
  6. The entry into operation of the functions of registration of subsistence miners and approval by the municipal mayors in the subsistence mining registration system under the responsibility of the ANM. 

The Mining Rescue Group will continue to operate normally regarding mining investigations and emergencies.

 The ANM maintained excepted from this suspension the obligations related to the payment of royalties, surface fees and other economic considerations, the constitution of the environmental mining policies, the compliance with standards and requirements related to health and safety in mining activities, and the visits and proceedings related to administrative protection.

It is important to note that proceedings related to the assignment of rights and areas, the integration of areas, the devolution of areas, the extensions, de partial withdrawal and the subrogation as a result of death are also excepted from this suspension. 

To see Resolution No. 197 of 2020, please click on this link



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