April 29th, 2020
Mining and Hydrocarbons

The National Mining Agency ("ANM") and the National Hydrocarbons Agency ("ANH") published resolutions by means of which they extended the suspensions of some of their activities during the preventive isolation decreed by the National Government.

First, the ANM published the Resolution No. 160 of 2020, by means of which it extended until May 12, the suspensions set forth in its Resolution 133 of 2020. 

The ANM maintained excepted from this suspension the obligations related to the payment of royalties, surface fees and other economic considerations, the constitution of the environmental mining policies and the compliance with standards and requirements related to health and safety in mining activities.

To see Resolution No. 160 of 2020, please click on this link: 



On the other hand, the ANH published the Resolution No. 186 of 2020, by means of which extended until the sanitary emergency declared by the National Government is over.

The following activities are excepted from this suspension: 

  1. Processes of declaration of noncompliance promoted by the Manager of Legal Affairs; 
  2. Contractual administrative processes of non-compliance under Article 2 of Decree 440 of 2020; and
  3. Actions associated with contracts of a missionary nature of the National Hydrocarbons Agency

To see Resolution No. 186 of 2020, please click on this link: 



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