New Bogotá - Cundinamarca Metropolitan Region regime

In July 2020, Congress of the Colombian Republic enacted Legislative Act 02, by which article 325 of the Political Constitution was amended. The reform created the Bogotá - Cundinamarca Metropolitan Region (the 'Region' or the 'Entity'), as an administrative entity of association, under a special regime, which objective is to guarantee the execution of plans and programs for sustainable development and the timely and efficient services in the Region according with de applicable law.  

The aforementioned Legislative Act established that the decisions adopted by the Region would have higher hierarchy than those of the capital district, the associated municipalities and the department. It also stated that an organic law should define the operation of the Region.

Thus, Congress passed Organic Law 2199 of 2022 (hereinafter the "Law") by which a special regime for the Region was enacted. The objective of this legal figure is to guarantee the formulation of public policies, plans, programs and projects for sustainable development, as well as the improvement of the provision of services under its responsibility. The Region is endowed with legal status under public law, administrative and economic autonomy. The following are some of the most relevant functions of the Entity: 

In terms of economic development: it should define a master plan for regional economic development, promoting productive vocations, boosting business innovation and competitiveness and the promotion of international trade. 

Public safety: it seeks to design and lead a regional system of security, coexistence and justice, as well as develop a comprehensive security plan. 

Public utilities and ICTs: it seeks to achieve adequate water planning and management, and to manage good governance and corporate governance practices in public utilities.

The Region also has functions in the areas of territorial and environmental planning, food security and mobility.

It is worth mentioning that the Law develops the “metropolitan events”, that are economic, social, environmental or territorial common situations that affect more than one territorial entity of the Region. It also establishes the Regional Council as the highest governing body of the Entity. 

The Law also created the Regional Mobility Agency, which would be in charge of the planning, management and co-financing of regional mobility. 


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